Why Mommy Marks?

When I was 41 weeks pregnant with my third child my little super hero asked, “Why do you have spider webs on your belly?” I explained that those spider webs were actually stretch marks. To which my fairy princess responded, “Those aren’t stretch marks, those are Mommy Marks”.
Our Mommy Marks are more than skin deep. Our Mommy Marks are the ways we nurture, teach, and discipline are children. Mommy marks are also the ways our kiddos teach us to slow down, not be so serious, and enjoy the small things.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Costco, mom’s drug of choice!

I think I am addicted to Costco.  Maybe it is the great deals? Maybe the variety of items they carry?  I don’t exactly know what it is but I do know that I like the way I am feeling while in the store.  I am on top of the world; it is my adult Disney World. The anticipation of the visit thrills me, while there I am on cloud nine, and after I leave I have withdrawals. Costco is my drug of choice!!!

Two days prior to a Costco trip I hunt down the coupon pack to see what type of good deals I can get (I them often, forget the coupons at home but it is the thought that counts, right?).  The day before the magical visit I write out a list of the necessary items, at the bottom of the list in all capital letters I write the projected cost, and then below that in all capital letters and underlined and circled twice I write the amount budgeted for the trip (then as soon as I enter the store the list is quickly forgotten, as well as the budget, and I am grabbing whatever looks good and taste good, damn those samples! Who needs a savings account; we will just rename it the Costco account. Problem solved!).   

Now, Costco used to be a trip just for mom with maybe one or two children in tow but the secret is out.  I have come home one to many times beaming with joy.  Then entire family wanted in on this Costco High.  So, the day of the big trip the entire family piles into the car and we are off.  It is unusually quiet as each family member fantasizes about the amazing things that are to come.  

Finally we arrive!!! Pure joy is on everyone’s face.  This trip this weekend, like many before, did not disappoint.   First stop, the toy isles, and no, that was not on our list.  We thought it would be fun to let the kiddos start their lists for Santa (not sure if you heard but Santa is also a big fan of Costco). I want Mya wants the awesome Barbie case with Barbie make-up and nail polish in it. My hubby Max would like the Star Wars set and I am pretty sure Maddy would like one of everything. After the toy isles we were off to find the items we initial came into the store to purchase (you know those boring staples like milk, eggs, and laundry detergent which they strategically have place in the far back corner, clever Costco, clever! ).
On the way to the Laundry detergent mama got a new cook and an assistant cook (my old one is up for grabs if anyone is interested, I have provided a great reference).
New cook and assistant cook

Mama also got her copping mechanisms (gotta have my coffee, hot in the morning, and cold in the afternoon).
Copping mechanisms

Daddy got new shirts and socks.  Max kept saying something but we were to distracted by the lures of Costco. He finally grabbed a hold of the front of the cart and directed me towards samples.  He so eloquent expressed that we were not moving fast enough to the next sample and a Mom must okay the sample before they can have it.  So he grabbed that cart like it was my leash and sent me on a zigzag path towards the laundry detergent hitting every sample along the way.  

Unfortunately our shopping excursion had to come to an end (they close at six).  So we headed toward the checkout.  Mya was now juggling five samples in one hand (we will have to bring a tray next time for her; she seems to think Costco has a creative cafeteria thing going on).   So we checked out spending more than we had initially planned and excited as all heck to get home and try out our purchases.

Once home, like a drug, the high slowly wears off until the following week when I can start preparing for our next visit.
Hello, my name is Kat and I am addicted to Costco.  Does anyone know if there are any CA meeting around here?  
Costco Addict

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Therapeutic Thursday

They say (therapist) that people deal with their problems in various ways.  Women however tend to fall under one of three categories; bury their problems in food, the crying till you’re a hot mess and panting like a dog, and then there are the throw yourself into a project type.   I fall under the latter category.

So, fueled by my therapeutic needs and three cups of coffee, I am ready to embark on the Sensational Changing of Seasons Session!
It’s time to say goodbye till next summer.

I know what you are thinking; the
Duggars must live here, right?

Time to go through the good old checklist to see who will make the cut:

·         Pockets - Found some money and some funky gooey stuff in mama’s coat pocket. EWW! Money!

·         Buttons- mama is missing like three buttons (not a problem, I have safety pins… genius, right?).

·         Zippers- daddy’s zipper doesn’t work (he will have to wear a heavy sweater with his coat)

·         Sizes- mama’s coat is a little big but that might be because I wore it while I was pregnant.  Oh, that’s how I lost those buttons (the sacrifices we make for our babies, if they only knew; now I am button less).  Max’s bomber jacket is too small but it is so cute.  Maybe I can put Maddy in it, or will that appear as though I am raising a little lesbian?  I don’t care, it is cute, butch or not, she is wearing it!  Oh, and the Fireman jacket, it is adorable.  She will wear that too.  Great, now I am raising her to be one of the village people.

·         Overall condition- Wow! Some of these need to be Dry Cleaned, what’s that? Please! Mama on a budget translation-wash them separately, say a little prayer they turnout okay, and place them on the line to dry.

Alright! Coats are complete, onto hats, mittens, gloves, scarves, and whatever additional random stuff might be lurking in the winter gear basket.

I try to color coordinate their winter hats and
mittens so that they can be interchangeable.

Sweet!  This was a breeze thanks to my efforts last spring and my nifty mitten technique. I washed everything in the Spring time so it is fresh and ready for wear.  I also adopted a new wintertime routine last year.  Instead of wet mitten being rolled up into a ball and thrown in a basket far from its matching mitten we instilled the Pin-a-Pair technique. Each child places their mittens together with clothes pins when they are finished playing in the snow.  It worked like a charm. I am happy to say that out of fifteen pairs of mittens on two currently separated (but not divorced, I am still holding out hope that they will reconcile).

I love how all baby girl stuff is white or a light color.
Hello, how am I suppsoed to conceal dirt/stains?

Max's, going for all blues and grays.

This mom is prepared, bring it on Mother Nature!  (Side note, I just checked the weather and it is suppose to be 80 degrees tomorrow. I am getting a smack down from Mother Nature, ouch! So my kids will be the only ones at the farm tomorrow with pants and sweaters on.  That’s okay; I will bring extra water to keep them hydrated.).

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Real housewives of Beverly Hills vs. a Real housewife of Toledo

Okay, so I just finished watching the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.  All I have to say is $25,000.00 sunglasses.  What!!! Who spends $25,000.00 on sunglasses?  REALLY!!  I have a tough time fathoming spending $25,000.00 on anything let alone a pair of sunglasses.  So, it got me thinking, just what do I have in common with these “housewives”, if anything?

They have a cook…. I have a cook.

They have a driver….I have a driver.

They have staff to walk their dog…I have staff to walk my dog.

They have maids…I have a maid.

They have security…I have security.

I guess our lives aren’t that different after all. Well, I am off to see about getting a second mortgage on my house so I can get me some kick ass shades.