Max played photographer this morning.
Granted he cut off my forehead but he really captured
the optimism in my eyes. |
Well, today started off like any ordinary Thursday. I got up around 6:30am to get the laundry going, get the oatmeal on the table, and make the coffee. But to my surprise I had used the last of the coffee Wednesday afternoon. This mom has gotta stay caffeinated and I like my iced coffee in the afternoons. I had just thought there was another can of coffee for the morning, whoops, my bad. Unfortunately in order for the show to go on this mama needs her caffeine so I did the unthinkable. I drank the thick, nasty, 3 ½ tablespoons of coffee that were left in the bottom of the pot from the day before. This is not something I am proud of but it had to be done. People were depending on me today I needed to be sharp!
So after my coffee conundrum I got the kiddos going. Everyone ate, brushed, washed, brushed, changed, packed, walked, buckled, and we were off to play the Will we make it on time game. I am sure other moms are quite familiar with this game. If not, here are the basic rules, you may only go five miles over the speed limit, do not hit anyone, basically follow the law, and have each child arrive on time. This is the fun part; both children must arrive at different locations but at the exact same time. In order to win you must strategically determine your vehicles route. Things to keep in mind when playing, green arrow routes vs. no green arrows to turn left, cut-through streets are advised, turn down radio in order to limit distractions, also keep responses to children short and do not entertain a conversation, you need to put your entire mind into the game. There will be barriers placed periodically. Barriers to lookout for include, a funeral procession, city workers cutting tree limbs, road work, accident, first responders, slow-ass drivers, crazy-ass drivers, the good old ‘I am going to get across all five lanes and I don’t care who I make late in the process’ drivers, squirrels running across the road, and many more.
So I strategically played my game this morning and I was victorious! My daughter arrived twelve minutes early to kindergarten and my son arrived right on time to preschool. On to the next game of the day, How much can I save at the super market?
Maddy Grace with her smiling face behind the wheel, the grocery store will never be the same again. |
Unfortunately I did not save as much as I would have liked due to the fact that my one year old was not being cooperative. Though, it should be noted this is the first time I have gone without my preschooler to help me. Boy is he a good helper, seriously. I find it amusing that it is easier for me to go to the grocery store with all three kiddos as oppose to just one. Anyway, Ms. Maddy started off all excited in the little car that is attached to the cart. She was all smiles and giggles while she honked the horn. Then, two minutes later she was bailing. So I did what any good great mother would do in this situation and I bribed her with food. That always get them to shut up be happy. So we managed to get through produce while she ate some puffs then proceeded to throw them all over the floor. So I held her for a few minutes which SO did not work! I could not juggle coupons, list, food, baby, pushing that darn car cart with no child in it (it is impossible, you hit everything) and coffee. Something had to give. So I put the baby in the cart and opened up a box of gold fish crackers, like any great good mother would do. I walked through the dairy and TP isle then she started throwing the gold fish crackers over the side of the cart while waving bye-bye. AHHHHHH…I needed to get food for the family but at what cost…my sanity…my baby's? So like any good mother would do I went down the toy isle and grabbed a couple toys to entertain her while I finished shopping. At which point I would pull them away and toss them into the nearest bin/shelf and she would scream at the top of her lungs. But that would be in the future, and I would worry about that then, she is happy now. At this time I had about fifteen minutes before I had to be in the checkout line in order to have enough time to pack up the car and drive to pick up my preschooler. Well, long story short, I grabbed the necessities, pried the toys, she screamed, I gave her my phone, she smiled, she dropped the phone, it broke into pieces, we both wept, and then we got in the car to pick up my little man. Unfortunately this was not my best round of How much can we save at the Super market but I did survive it so, I will chalk it up to a success.
Content but clearly upset with me. She is definitely saving the drama for her mama. |
I managed to pick up my little man on time and we headed home and once there we unpacked the car, unloaded the groceries, placed reusable bag back in car (otherwise I forget them), made their lunch, they ate lunch, and then kiddos went down for a nap. I have been waiting for this all week, an hour to myself. I planned on folding laundry, making lunch for tomorrow and some muffins for breakfast, leaving me with ½ an hour to read my book. Then it happened, just like last Thursday. The phone rang. NOOOOOO! I began screaming in my head of course because the kiddos were trying to sleep.
It was my daughter’s school. I was informed that she threw up and needed to be picked up. So I got everyone up from nap time and into the car to go pick up my throw-upper. Gosh darn it! I yelled as I drove to pick her up, I was so close this week. Last week it was my son requiring appropriate footwear and this week it was my daughter throwing up. I started laughing; God must have a sense of humor. Then I quickly stopped and seriously considered the fact that something could occur next Thursday as well. Should I fear Thursdays? No, as the proud champion of Will we make it on time, I will embrace Thursday! I will find the unknowing, the mystery, the excitement of it all thrilling! So welcome to my first installment of Thrilling Thursdays.
So close! |