Keep more than an eye on your kids with SafetyTat QR temporary tattoo. The bar code is scannable with a Smartphone and provides additional emergency info to authorities.
What? I thought it was outlandish and a sign of lazy parenting when they invented those stupid kid leashes. Now they have tattoos! Whatever happened to parents actually watching their children? Is it exhausting chasing after a two year old? Darn straight, but you are the parent; your child should be your number one priority. Your needs, as the parent, do not come first, your child’s do. So, if you plan on taking your child out in public plan accordingly, talk to your child about stranger danger and staying near you at all times. Teach your children why they need to say with you don’t just put on a tattoo or a leash and hope for the best.
The next question that begs to be asked is, when do you stop leashing and tattooing your child? Will adults soon require tattoos as well? Is the future filled with mindless adults who wander around scanning their tattoos with their phones then inputting it into their GPS? Are we living Idiocracy (I included a scene from the movie below for those who are not familiar with the film)?
Please, share your thoughts.
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