As a mom we are constantly picking up after, feeding, cleaning, wiping, changing, and comforting others. Sometimes, while in the thick of it it’s difficult to remember why we do all that we do and then it happens, perhaps for just a moment, pure mommy bliss. It happened to me today. I had dropped my princess off at pre-school, came home brushed my teeth, cleaned the kitchen up from dinner the night before and breakfast this morning, changed the baby, put that fun purple dinosaur on the television for my little super hero to watch, and headed downstairs to do some laundry.
To my dismay I found myself stepping in two inches of water, the floor drain had clogged. Before I go any further it is important to note that I am one of those individuals who prefers to at least attempt to correct any issues around the house myself before dropping some hard earned money for a professional. So I put on my boots, grabbed the drill and the snake and made my way to the basement.
I turned on the drill and after a couple of seconds pulled it up and to my amazement it was actually working. I recovered two socks and some weird swamp looking stuff and I was going back for more when I suddenly heard yelling from upstairs. It was my little super hero requesting that someone wipe his butt. Seeing as the baby wasn’t capable of fulfilling this task it was up to me. So I sat down the drill took off my boots and headed upstairs for my next mission.
I gingerly ran up the stairs and fulfilled my duties as the official butt wiper of the household (minus my husband- he can thankfully handle wiping his own) after we had both washed our hands we made our way downstairs and that is when it happened. My little superhero grabbed my hand and it was in that moment that I experienced mommy bliss. I concentrated on the little hand securely placed within mine. I caressed the soft skin and thought about all the wonderful things those hands will do in a lifetime. It was then that I found my eyes beginning to tear up because I realized that those hands will not be little for long. I so desperately wanted to savor the moment and place it in my memory, when a tear fell from my eye my super hero asked, “Mommy why are you crying”. To which I replied, “I am just so happy that GOD entrust me with this little hand to hold. I love this little hand”. Then, as if God knew that the moment was become to overwhelming for me my little super hero looked up at me and inquired, “What about this hand, do you love this hand?” as he held up the hand that I was not holding. I began to laugh and confirmed that I did indeed love both of his hands.
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