Bye Bye TV
The night before the challenge we read the book, It’s Not What You’ve Got to set the tone for the next three days.
Day 1
This screen free thing is pretty easy. Granted we had a dentist appointment this morning. So there really wasn’t much time for television watching. When we got home the children listened to music, played their instruments, and danced around the living room while I prepared lunch. I so enjoyed lunch.
Normally I would work through lunch doing random chores around the house in hopes of being able to get online while the kiddos nap, or have quiet time. Knowing that I couldn’t get online during naptime or quiet time really slowed me down. I sat down at the table with the children. Usually my mind is wandering on the various to do lists, or activities, I hope to accomplish. However, for the first time in a long time my mind was clear. I giggled, sang, and even made animal noises with the children, I felt like a kid again! It was at that moment that it became crystal clear to me that the effect that screen time has on your mind can be significant. How sad is it that “normally” during lunch my mind is a whirlwind, wondering if I received a certain email, if a particular coupon has become available, or if a friend commented on a recent post to facebook. Wow, the screen-time-brain effect was making me miss out on enjoying time with the most important people in my life.
After quiet time we walked down to the park, had dinner, read books, then it was bedtime for the kiddos. Meanwhile my hubby took off for a poker game and I was suddenly by myself with only the cat and the dog. I started to think about what I was supposed to do now? Chores were all completed. Suddenly this challenge felt silly to me and I contemplated turning on a screen. Television or computer I didn’t care. I was all by myself, who would know if I turned on the TV? I need distraction...or company…or something...I was perplexed by the emotion I was begining to feel. I was seriously starting to become a little anxious, weird, who becomes anxious due to lack of distraction? In order to subside this feeling of anxiousness I ventured over to the bookshelf and grabbed a book from my been meaning to read pile, poured a cup of tea, lit a scented soy candle, and started reading. Suddenly a flood of calm set over me and I thought to myself, so this is what relaxing is all about. I had forgotten how nice it was to get lost in a book. I usually read ten minutes here, ten minutes there, often totaling a half hour or less a day. This time I had the luxury of reading, rand eading, and reading, till I fell asleep.
More to come tomorrow…….
I only made it 2 days haha but I finished a book in 24 hours and was at a loss of what to do on day 3 therefore I caved! Kudos to you! Haha getting lost in a book was fabulous! I love your synopsis of the 3 days!